
Upcoming Events

Fundraisers now have a wide selection of state events to attend via Zoom that offer insights and expertise on an array of relevant fundraising subjects!

FIA’s online professional development events hosted by our state committees are available nationally. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to hear from speakers all over the country and interact with your fellow fundraisers interstate.

We have an exciting mix of topics for you to choose from over the coming months. Please visit our new page here for the full list.

TAS Schedule

FIA TAS Taking a Global Event Local

Where effective community engagement and volunteer empowerment can drive revenue growth 

This is a talk that gets right down to the core of effective community engagement and about how to empower a volunteer team to boost your organization’s capacity to deliver more of your impactful work and how this approach can drive revenue. 

We will take a look at the origins of the Relay For Life program and what drove its growth making it the worlds biggest event to fight cancer. 

This session will look at the types of community that this event has been successful in and discuss how we can redefin e community and make Relay work in those environments – education and workplace. 

Date: Tuesday, 7 May 2024 

Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am AEST 

Location: Online via Zoom 

Meet your State Committee