Priority 3: The digital and data challenge – data and data privacy

Data privacy and protection for Australians is already on the national political agenda with the following:

  • the new Consumer Data Right (CDR) for banking customers introduced, and
  • a review of the existing Privacy Act already agreed to as part of the Digital Platforms Agenda.

Momentum for more robust and more restrictive privacy and data laws is sweeping the world in response to the dominance of the global tech giants and the overwhelming power which corporations such as banks, energy utilities and telecommunications providers have over consumers.

This movement towards more restrictive privacy and data laws presents difficult policy choices for FIA and its members. We can:

  • either advocate for a fundraising ‘carve-out’ or charity exemption, or
  • embrace the new privacy and data regimes with a proactive program of donor engagement, education and training together with kindred associations such as the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA).

On these vital issues, FIA needs to understand better the views of members.

Our proposed plan

  • FIA will conduct a comprehensive consultation with members to determine an agreed policy position.
  • FIA will develop an action plan to address restrictions on data use in fundraising in light of the imminent wave of Privacy and Consumer Data Right legislation.