Strategic Grants

Strategic Grants is the unique provider of grant strategies in Australia and New Zealand, working with for-purpose organisations to build and sustain effective and customised grant-seeking strategies.  

The Strategic Grants team is not just a group of consultants. It is a team of professionals, all of whom have a heart for the charitable sector and the multitude of causes that its charity partners exist to support. As a dedicated team of fundraisers, Strategic Grants believes strategic thinking and relationship building are essential to success. 

Strategic Grants works with for-purpose organisations to put in place the right processes, tools and support to ensure their grant-seeking is effective and sustainable. Strategic Grants provides customised grants calendars through its Grants Expertise Management Systems (GEMS), as well as training, planning, project matching, policy and process development, writing, evaluation, and advisory services.  

Strategic Grants’ experience spans over 20 years and their successful track record ranges from $500 philanthropic grants to $50M government tenders. 

Contact us:

07 3892 1150

Meet our team: