
Welcome to Revolutionise, the accelerator for people with purpose. 

Does your charity have a big problem to solve?  Do you need to raise a lot more money to solve it?

At Revolutionise we help you find your purpose and build the behaviours, culture, communications and strategy that will remove barriers and drive growth.

We help you accelerate your growth by inspiring you to believe it’s possible,  education on how you do it and design in a co-creation process.

Our co-creation workshops will align and inspire your organisation behind a unified purpose and equip you with the tools and knowledge on fostering behaviours and culture that will enable you to move forward with pace.

Ways we can help CEO’s drive organisational growth:

  • Organisation wide workshops that align your team and find and co-create your unique purpose with precision
  • Workshop sprints in creative design, theory of change, creative briefs, new ambition and emotional story telling
  • No compromise CEO and executive coaching
  • Great fundraising audit, strategy and communications review
  • Fundraising readiness assessment
  • Great Fundraising Masterclass

Each organisation is different and we work with you to develop a bespoke approach to remove barriers, revitalise your purpose, review your strategy, audit your communications and through co-creation workshops help your organisation find focus and drive growth.

If your fundraising has become stale or process driven, or if things have simply become too complex and your organisation needs to find focus and reconnect then get in touch – we can help you.

We work in person or virtually bringing together teams and standing with you as you accelerate your purpose-driven revolution.

Contact us:

Fi McPhee

+6421 336 905

Maree Daniels

0402 211 596
