Give + Get

Give + Get is all about tapping into that innate human desire to help others; “Give”, while at the same time connecting a community of active people and businesses who complete amazing challenges and reap the rewards they offer; “Get”.

We’re bringing charitable giving into the modern era with the latest mobile application technology, and linking it to the growing popularity of participating in challenges for a cause. Only with the Give + Get app, YOU get to decide which cause is worthy of receiving your hard-earned money. Challenge yourself and those in your inner circle to some classic challenges, or simply push yourself to explore something you’ve never tried before. With Give + Get there’s a challenge for everyone!

Our founders are a group of Australian entrepreneurs with businesses in a variety of industries, united with the common purpose of giving back and helping make the world a better place. We’ve crowd-sourced an amazing array of challenges in the realms of physical, mind & soul, nutritional, and community, and we’ve short-listed a range of charities that we believe do the best job at making a difference in their respective causes. With this you can be sure your funds are going to really make a difference!

With a passionate team of founders, team members and investors behind it, and a group of world-renowned ambassadors leading the way, expect to see Give + Get making its mark on the global stage very soon! 

If you’re a charity that would like to generate some additional donations and gain access to new markets please get in touch to discuss the opportunity with us. 

If you’re a business who would like to give back whilst also generating benefits of bonding and contribution for your team, we’d love to speak to you!