APT Solutions (Australasia) Pty Ltd

FirstClass Australasia

Contact:Helen Pomlett
Title:Director – Australasia
Phone:+61 (0) 2 9191 6333 (Australia) +61 (0) 4 0071 3483 (Australia) +64 (0) 44 880 880 (New Zealand)

Purpose-built bequest management software for estate administration, a FirstClass solution to manage gifts left in wills.

Celebrating 27 years of service excellence, FirstClass is the market leader saving charity teams time and money, while also helping maximise bequest income.

FirstClass was launched back in 1996, after a group of charities identified the need to build a software solution that could enable them to manage gifts left in wills and optimise their bequest pipeline, too. 

Since then, the FirstClass team has worked closely with charities to continuously evolve and develop the software to enhance user experience and bequest management best practices, with in excess of 100 not-for-profit organisations using it today.

FirstClass manages the intricacies of the bequest process and has been developed using the latest technologies offering both on-premises and cloud-based solutions for not-for-profit organisations seeking to maximise their income stream from Gift in Wills.  

We know that no matter the size, every not-for-profit organisation needs effective bequest management. That is why, using our many years of experience developing bequest management software, we have created a suite of applications to provide a solution for organisations of all sizes no matter how big or small.

Key features include:

  • Rapid access to bequest records
  • Comprehensive contact history
  • Income, expenditure, and estimates
  • Customisable letters and emails
  • Reports
  • Dashboards and timelines

Make your Gift in Wills bequest admin processes a FirstClass experience

Learn how charities, hospices, and not-for-profit organisations can use FirstClass software built by charities for charities to effectively and efficiently manage bequests.

Request a free demo