National Heart Foundation of Australia

National Heart Foundation of Australia

Finalist of

Special Events category – Over $5 million revenue


Give with Heart Day

In June 2018, after 10 weeks in development, the National Heart Foundation launched its inaugural Give with Heart Day. The initiative was part of a multi-faceted effort to rejuvenate and grow the Heart Foundation’s fundraising product portfolio.

Give with Heart Day provided a much-needed vehicle to promote readily relatable heart research to the community. Campaign objectives included raising $250,000 to allocate $1 million to research; acquiring new/reactivate lapsed donors; boosting the performance of the annual tax appeal; testing a new fundraising method for the organisation; increasing integration between mission and fundraising, and engaging non-fundraising staff across the country in a team-building fundraising activity.

The campaign’s theme focused on congenital heart disease, to provide an easily understood and urgent request for support. Pleasingly, over 200 volunteers and staff worked at eight temporary calling hubs within Heart Foundation offices, generously giving their time to solicit donations and make the day successful.
Overall, Give with Heart Day achieved 255% of the budget (raising $638,000), uplifted Heart Foundation’s annual tax appeal by 4.5%, acquired/reactivated 927 donors and delivered an emotive, highly integrated campaign. Thanks to its success, this fundraiser is likely to return, enhanced and refined, soon.