Social Venture Consultants

People not firms are why capital campaigns succeed!

I established Social Venture Consultants almost twenty years ago, because I believed then that when it came to capital campaigns and major gifts charities needed strategic advice, experience and training from a person (not a firm) with a track record of fundraising success. Some two decades later, and millions raised, I still believe this to be true!

CEO’s, Board Members and Fundraising Managers are increasingly seeking a greater degree of deep subject matter knowledge and experience in specific areas of fundraising. It’s certainly true when it comes to capital fundraising.  So it makes sense to offer highly specialised fundraising counsel to develop, implement and manage a capital campaign.  In addition, I offer highly bespoke professional development and training workshops about major gifts. I personally oversee every campaign bringing, I believe, unmatched local fundraising success, networks and knowledge to benefit your project.

My approach to capital campaigns (and my major gift workshops) revolves in part, around creating a unique case for support which distinguishes your capital campaign and “ask” from others.  And if it’s more major gifts you want, then check out my app, My Major GiftGetter.  The world’s only app, that helps you work smart, plan clever and get more major gifts.

Thank you.  Mark Quigley, Founder & Director, BA FFIA