
Do you need help helping…

You want to change the world. That’s why you’re a fundraiser.

You may deliver international aid. Help people here at home. Support a hospital with medical equipment or research. Rescue animals suffering cruelty.

To do this wonderful work, you need inspired committed supporters.

Finding, winning, securing, upgrading those supporters can be hard work.

That’s where Robejohn can help you.

Whether you need help building a national integrated campaign… or a hand when there’s too much work for you to manage in-house…

Whether you’re a small cog in a big agency… or the fundraiser / copywriter / designer / photocopier / minute-taker somewhere small aiming to be big…

Whether you’re acquiring, renewing, thanking, converting, reactivating, upgrading, farewelling…

…at Robejohn you have direct access to 160 combined years of fundraising experience, developed across hundreds of campaigns, with clients from every fundraising sector.

So, if you need help to help… Robejohn is here for you. Together, we can change the world.

Contact us:

Warren Atkins

0412 592 822

Jay Clarke

0410 795 295